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Brief On AML

Retainly Technologies LLP., is a limited liability company duly incorporated under the laws of India and having its registered office at, Radha Madhav Complex, Hi-Tech City Road, Madhapur, Hyderabad, India. Hereinafter referred to as “Company” or Retainly, which term shall refer to and include its owners, directors, investors, employees or other related parties. Person availing of the Retainly Services, directly or indirectly, are referred to herein, as “Investors”.

This is an agreement between Retainly and Investor, which is binding and requires mandatory compliance by Investor. Integrity, honesty and ethical business practices are some of the core values for Retainly. Retainly strongly condemns any and all activities related to money laundering and such other illegal actions. In order to prevent misuse of the Retainly Services, Investors are required to strictly comply with the terms contained herein, which forms part and parcel of the Investor Terms of Service. Terms not defined herein shall carry the same interpretation, as in the Investor Agreement and in the absence thereof to general usage and parlance.
Investors are required to read, review, understand and then agree to the terms hereunder for using or availing of the Retainly Services, before clicking the “I Accept” option.

This Anti-Money Laundering Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “AML Policy”) supersedes and replaces any and all prior oral or written understandings or agreements between Retainly and the Investor with respect to the AML Policy.