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a) Retainly may be required and/or directed to cooperate and aid the government and/or law enforcement authorities, police, investigating agencies, or Tribunals and Courts within the territory of India or from outside the said territory.

b) In such cases, subject to applicable laws with respect to data protection, Retainly shall be entitled to disclose any information about the Investor that is in its possession or control, including to government or law enforcement officials, police, investigating agencies, Tribunals, and Courts within the territory of India.

c) In particular, Retainly shall be entitled to initiate processes and disclosures, including but not limited to the following circumstances:

   i. Information pertaining to or in pursuance of claims and legal process (such as summons/warrants);
   ii. To protect Retainly’s property, rights, and safety and the property, rights, and safety of a third party or the public in general;
   iii. To identify and stop any activity that Retainly considers illegal, unethical, or legally actionable.