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a) Every Investor is compulsorily required to submit at the time of opening an account, documents and details as set out in this policy. Retainly is required to identify the said Investor based on the said documentation whenever an account is opened by an Investor.

b) Retainly shall determine the identity of the Investor and shall take all reasonable steps to verify Investors identity.

c) Where the Investor is an individual, the Investor shall submit one copy of an officially valid document containing details of his/her permanent address or addresses, current address or addresses, and one copy of his/her recent photograph and such other documents including in respect of the nature of business and financial status of the client as may be required.

d) Where the Investor is a company, it shall submit to Retainly the following: (i) Certificate of incorporation; (ii) Memorandum and Articles of Association; (iii) a resolution from the Board of Directors for trading in Cryptocurrency; and other documents as may be requested.

e) Where the Investor is a partnership firm, it shall submit to Retainly one certified copy of the following documents: (i) Registration certificate; (ii) Partnership deed; and (iii) authorization letter for trading in Cryptocurrency; and other documents as may be requested.

f) Where the Investor is a juridical person, Retainly shall verify that any person purporting to act on behalf of such Investor is so authorized and shall verify the identity of that person.

g) Retainly shall exercise ongoing due diligence with respect to the business relationship with every Investor and closely examine the transactions in order to ensure that they are consistent with their knowledge of the Investor, his business and risk profile and where necessary, the source of funds.

h) In the event that it is brought to the attention of Retainly, that a particular Investor or account is maintained under a fictitious name, Retainly has the full right and authority to terminate and close such an account with immediate effect and without prior notice to the Investor.

i) If Retainly doubts the adequacy or veracity of previously obtained customer identification data, Retainly shall review the due diligence measures including verifying again the identity of the Investor and obtaining information on the purpose and intended nature of the business relationship, as the case may be.